

wooden construction, Alcantara, rubber foam, Super-8 projection Berlinische Galerie and Casa Masaccio San Giovanni Valdarno, Italien, 1992

wooden structure for a round space

The outer appearance of the spherical body reveals the technical construction. The piece is a walk-in globe (diameter 2,8 m), the inner walls are padded. Two Super-8 film loops show moving micro-organisms projected onto the capsule from the outside. Radio static – interrupted by fragments of classical flute music – is added.

padded inside of a round space

images of round micro-organisms

walk about airborne

walk about airborne

ARTSPACE Sydney, 1993 and Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide, 1994

Sometimes Australian indigenous people go on a so called walk about. They set out without an outwardly defined idea of destination or time. An accessible spherical object (diameter 2,80 m) with a feathered surface and straw walls is supported by an invisible wooden construction. The straw has a strong odor of its own and insulates against sounds from the outside.

Globe with feathered surface and on the inside red straw walls

two men sitting in a red space of straw

wooden cuts showing hands holding reptiles

round feathered globe in the foreground and woodcuts in the back

Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body (James Joyce)

Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body (James Joyce)

Gallery KUNST, (Gitte Weise), Sydney 1994

transparent water hose on wooden floor

The installation spreads over two rooms. In the first room water bubbles through a transparent hose from the street side of the wall into the room and out again. On the wall the word “breathe“ is sculptured in braille.

braille writing of the word breathe

The second room shows a series of seven round glass objects with sand blasted drawings. They show the primary bones of the human body and quotes with poetical connotation, formally related to the respective body part.

sandblasted image on round glass in metal frame



large space covered in red light with several round objects

audio- visual installation, 3 video- and 4 synchronically operating slide projectors, 22 sounds, 8 of these interactive, projection screens made out of parchment paper, cloth fabric, beeswax and wafer, Sala Metrónom, Fundaçio Rafael Tous, Barcelona, 1999 (in Coop. with Goethe-Institute Barcelona, sound & technical realisation: Ole Jarchov)

video projection showing two faces in blue light

The place is filled with sounds, human voices, animal noises, bells etc. The loudspeakers are activated by someone standing below.

face of a boy floating above water

round shape with image of face in front of red ceiling window



‘5th Australian Sculpture Triennial’ Gertrude Contemporary Melbourne, 1993

The front part of the gallery opens up to the street via a large window.

street view of gallery at night

Two lamps pulsate in alternating and uninterrupted rhythm.

view into gallery

The floor of the gallery is densely laid out with mallee roots (a commonly used fuel wood in Australia). One can reach the back part of the gallery by two cocos mats ‘paths’ to the two chairs facing one another. These have a luminous red neon spiral hanging over each of them.

installation view in red light

The frozen contours (permanently freezing and melting) form a male and a female figurine.

view of two frozen figurines

two frozen figurines in front of ice pattern wall